Environmental Management System Policy

AGMET is committed to operating its metal processing facilities in an environmentally responsible and sustainable manner consistent with our dedication to the prevention of pollution. In keeping with this commitment, AGMET has established and maintains an Environmental Management System (EMS) that meets the requirements of ISO 14001:2004. AGMET continually seeks to improve our environmental and sustainable practices by:

  • Promoting environmental awareness through ongoing employee training.
  • Monitoring compliance to regulatory and other requirements to which we subscribe to ensure we continue to meet such requirements.
  • Establishing reasonable, achievable, and economically viable objectives and targets for environmental performance as part of our business planning process.

Our main objectives and commitments are to:

  • Adopt sustainable practices in the work environment to reduce our ecological footprint.
  • Recycle 100® Philosophy - Repurposing Metals. Improving Earth.
  • Conserve energy and improve the efficiency of energy use.


Contact us to learn more from our experts.